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about this site
reasons for being, and why things don't change much round here...
If you're one of the five Whincops who've stumbled across this site and have later returned to see what's new, you'll have noticed that not much has changed round here.
Sorry about that. Apart from my own extreme laziness, I suppose the main reason is that I've had nothing new to add on the topic of Whincops. If you've any new info to add, please let me know. It could be about Whincops in general, or in your particular neck of the woods. Anything, really, but I suppose what could go on this site would be the more personal things that you wouldn't necessarily expect to find in the Wikipedia article on Whincup/Whincop etc.
Let me know what you'd like to see here, and it shall be done.
site objective number 1: to be a site for all Whincops
It's for all Whincops (and anyone interested in any Whincop), and I hope that it will eventually include information contributed by Whincops, or friends or relatives of Whincops. Where, who, when stuff, would be good.
My family name is Whincop. It's a fairly unusual name in the UK (where I come from), and so I would like to know more about it, how it came about, where Whincops have come from, where they've got to, and what they've done along the way.
I thought you might like to know, too, so I decided to put whatever I managed to find, or others told me, here.
Using your own surname is not exactly the most imaginative way of naming a site, and is fairly egotistical, but it does make some sense:
- I can remember it
- my friends and family can remember it
- it's easy for other whincops around the world to find, remember and use (you can get subdomains from me for your own sites)
- as the site's for and about Whincops, it fits
Now, if you, dear reader, happen to be called Whincop and are feeling just a wee bit outraged that I grabbed whincop.com along with other whincop domains, consider these two facts:
- I'm doing the paying
- I'm willing to share
What I didn't want was to look for a whincop domain one day and find a 'This Domain Is For Sale' sign up. So, I grabbed these bits of web real estate before a non-Whincop did the grabbing:
So here's the deal. If you are a Whincop, you can share (for free forever, if I can always afford renewal and hosting) any of the whincop.whatever domains I grabbed for us all.
You can use them for whatever purpose you like, as long as it's a) legal, and b) not too space-hogging or bandwidth-intensive [no music or program files made available for download - you mustn't run a site that breaches copyright in any way, so if you're ever unsure, please just ask!].
Up to 200MB hard disk space is OK, and up to 1GB a month transfer is just fine. That's way more than plenty for most people.
Anyway, how's that? Pleased? Still miffed?? Well, whatever. If you're really a Whincop (or a near miss, such as Whincup, or Winkoop, or Wijncop), do get in touch and let me know if you'd like a bit of whincop webspace or a whincop email address.
Go on. Don't be shy. After all, you're family (near enough)!
Further details are on the hosting page.
copyright © 2001 - 2025, Chris Whincop There have been 5366 hits to this page since 11th January 2002.